Wow How time flies. We have been driving every day and haven't taken time for a new post until now.
Snow has been good for nearly the entire winter. On the last day of January a warm front came through and brought 45 degree air with it. We lost a couple inches of snow that day but we were fortunate enough to not get any Ice. Horses were sweating very easily for a couple days but, my fingers and toes were thinking they had gone on vacation! Sleighrides and driving the team with Vis-a-vis at wedding fairs were keeping us busy on weekends. As expected, winter came back with a vengence and gave us some snow and a bunch of cold. During one of those cold days I retreated to a local retail store to look for warm gloves. That's a favorite pastime for sleigh drivers don't ya know. Well I wondered in to the bargain room and what do you suppose I found? A wildlife scouting camera for 39 dollars! My mind's eye started to decide what tree I might mount that on where I could take picture of horses in training! It works! I get pictures of every horse that walks past that camera. Now I can send photos to owners showing their horse and his latest task.
Well now it did get warm enought for a couple days that we had a big melt and then we had ice. While the ice was soft I drove spreader loads of hay around on the driveway. The hay froze into the ice the next night, and we were able to keep right on working horses being careful to stay in the woods where the sun didn't melt the snow to create that layer of ice. My neat new camera was pointing up a trail that saw no horses for about 10 days. We got pictures of people and critters walking, but no horses. WE have now moved the camera to a post on the barn and we get photos of us as we pass in front. It's knida fun.
A neighbor had his wildlife camera set to take videos and he got a video of what he thought was a couger. Mountain cats don't get into this part of the country very often so he created quite a stir. After the DNR and the local High School Biology department got a chance to view the video it has been determined that we have a very large grey fox in the neighborhood. Whew! NOw back to training horses. The training barn has had some great progress lately. Here's an update.
Page, our spotted pony trainee has begun working solo. She handles the trainin
Missy, A Welsh pony mare has gone home as a wonderful little
Annie, A Morgan mare is becoming quite a horse. She and her owner are becoming more comfortable with each other each weekend. She is currently at the "I am proud and I know I look good" stage of her life. Her courage is developing nicely. Next weekend her new cart arrives and then a new harness. We haven't gotten a good photo of her yet, but we'll publish one soon.
Knight, a paint horse gelding will be heading home to his new driving career this coming
My Turn, the Halflinger Stallion, went home to work in the woods last week. His owner came and drove him single for a bit and then we hitched My Turn with his new halflinger teammate and all went splendidly. He learned his teamwork with our Belgian Gelding Jim and
Cassie, a Shire cross mare came in last month. She is currently working very comfortably in training shafts and with the stoneboat. We have spent a few workouts in her two wheeled cart but it's a bit overwhelming for her as of yet , so we have gone back to the stoneboat to gain some more confidenc
Two new horses Came in yesterday so I'll get to know them this week and let you know about them real soon. What could be more fun than that?
Snow forecast for tomorrow, I love this time of year!
Hi, Steve ... Say, I was wondering what your conclusions are about the stallion "My Turn" and his reactions to you (or the lack, actually) when working with him in the round pen. You observed he didn't seem to join up with you like other horses -- he was more interested in sniffing manure. Do you have any words of wisdom based on your experience with this stallion? --DeeAnna
HI DeeAnna,
"My Turn" went home a happy and successful driving horse last week. Early in our work I really had no "join up" type of connection with him. He was real vocal to all the horses on the farm. Early on during ground driving he also would notice a horse off to the side and just turn and walk toward that horse!!
HE had no Idea I was around during those times.
During the coldest of our winter days He and I spent some very sweaty days in the round pen and the respect slowly but surely evolved. His join up was very reserved to say the least but he did finally give me his attention. He worked With Val our Morgan mare till one day when the temp was up and the air smelled like spring. He just could not concentrate. From that day on he worked with our Belgian gelding or by himself. For a time, every breath of air he took was checked to see if a mare was in season. He would talk loudly and dance to get the attention of every mare or gelding that was being lead nearby. I set up many occasions to charge toward him with my claws open, MY teeth bared, and my eyes piercing when he was trying to pique the interest of the horse I was leading. I wished I could lay my ears back! That's what finally got him to give me the respect that I feel I needed to continue his training! I was just noisier than he was I guess. In the end he would not even flick an ear toward the geldings, and would only nicker to the mares.
As he was driving with this owner's gelding on the day of graduation, the owner told me he had decided to geld him to avoid having any situations develop. I hope the next time I see "My Turn" he'll think I'm an OK human! So I don't know if what I have learned is wisdom or pure bull-headed-ness, (is that a word?)but I think I won.
Thanks for your input to make him go back to work, Because that's what we did. See ya.
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